There are so many amazing places to visit in Japan and so little time. If I listed every city I thought was worth visiting you might as well pack your bags and move to Japan. Instead, I’m going to share some under-rated cities, like Uji, in Japan that I think are worth considering for your next trip in this new series. I’ll also highlight who would most likely enjoy these places since no place is ever one-size-fits-all. Remember, just because someone recommends it, it doesn’t mean you have to go! Don’t let FOMO ruin your trip, nothing is an absolute must-see, just enjoy your trip 🙂

Bridge over Uji river in Uji,Japan with red handrails and a torii gate at the end.

About Uji

Uji is a small city situated between Kyoto and Nara, known from the Tale of Genji and its production of delicious green tea. It’s about 20 minutes from Kyoto by train and is the perfect day trip or rest stop on the way to Nara. The city is small so there’s no need to stay overnight.

Matcha ice cream, Japan on a collage with perfumes and green tea bags.

A Matcha Lovers Paradise

If you love green tea and matcha then I strongly recommend a visit to Uji. Truthfully, I’m not a huge fan of tea and green tea, but the matcha ice cream I had there was incredible. The tea doesn’t taste bitter and grassy. Instead, it had a sweet, slightly earthy flavor. I loved it. I also brought cold brew matcha powder home and I add it to my smoothies, delicious! A great place to grab some souvenirs. They even have green tea scented lotions and perfumes. I bought a roll-on perfume and a lotion and it smells so fresh and clean. Great unique fragrances from Japan.

Overlook of Uji, Japan with a image of the biscuit given to me by a stranger.

Incredibly Kind Locals

Japanese people are known for their hospitality and politeness but Uji had some of the kindest people I met on my trip, similar to Kobe and Fukuoka. Simply walking around the city and talking with locals was so pleasant. I received recommendations for teas to try, spoke with others while waiting in line for food, and was given a biscuit after walking up to the city’s overlook. I also got a little turned around at the station and the station manager very kindly helped me figure out where to go. Even if you can’t speak Japanese there is plenty of English signage and locals willing to help.

Wisteria blooming a beautiful purple hue at Byodo-in temple.

Beautiful Nature

The nature in Uji is absolutely beautiful. Visit Uji Park to make the most of it. In spring, the 2,000 cherry blossoms highlight the path with pink and white blooms. In fall, the leaves are a beautiful red and yellow. I really enjoyed resting by the river and found the scenery to be so peaceful and a great break from the busy tourist hot spots in Kyoto and Tokyo. Byodo-in also has gorgeous wisteria that bloom in May.

Byodo-in temple with the 10-yen Japanese coin in the foreground as comparison in Uji, Japan.

Historic Charm

Uji may be small, but its history is robust. Home to the Byodoin Temple, featured on the Japanese 10-yen coin. The Phoenix Hall was built in 1053 and is still the original structure. It’s a stunning and expansive building. Even after seeing so many amazing shrines in Kyoto it still stands out. There is a museum on the temple grounds as well.

For photographers there are plenty of spaces to get a great shot without too many bystanders. If you are a fan of the Tale of Genji, visit the Uji Bridge. Though built and rebuilt many times, it has been in its spot since 646. It’s mentioned in the novel and used to be the only way to get from Kyoto to Nara. Once you cross the bridge there is a great trail that leads you up to an overlook of the city.

View of the historic Uji bridge on the Uji river. Also has may flies showing in the upper sky of the image.

Go to Uji if…

You love tea, nature, and exploring smaller – lesser known cities. If you’re in Japan during cherry blossom season it might be worth the visit for a less crowded hanami (flower viewing) experience, though I can’t personally speak to that. The Uji river is lined with 2,000 cherry blossoms trees though so I imagine its quite the sight! If you’re heading to Nara, maybe a quick stop on the way will be perfect for your itinerary.

Don’t Go to Uji if…

You don’t like tea, have other plans to see nature, or you enjoy the hustle and bustle. If you already have Nara on your list then you don’t necessarily need to visit Uji as well – but it is on the way and could be a quick stop to sample some tea for lunch.

Seasonal Notice: Avoid Uji bridge if you go in May and absolutely hate bugs. I went in May, and there were bugs all over the bridge area (you can see them at the top of the picture above..the little specks are May Flies) it seems to be common at that time. They weren’t bad on the main shopping street, but still – good to know.

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