Before I travel, no matter how many times I go, I get serious anxiety. Especially the night before and the morning of. Usually it eases as I wait for the plane, but it is at its peak when I wake up and on the way to the airport. Here are some things that have helped me curb my anxiety along the way.

A few important notes: (1) If you face severe anxiety or its affecting your daily life then I recommend you speak to a professional who can help you work through this, the advice given in this article are things that have helped me but I am not a medical professional. (2) anxiety before travel is extremely common, any time we change our routine or our life, even for a short while, I think it brings about feelings of uncertainty, try to be easy on yourself.

  1. List what you’re afraid of
  2. After you make your list, write what you can do in the worst case. When doing this you’ll find the things you can and cannot control and you’ll see that most of your worst cases aren’t the end of the world. Those that are, tend to be general truths of life that are out of all of our control.
  3. Review your list and take a deep breath. As I write my list I tend to feel better already, but take some time to review it or talk to a friend or family member about it. They may have their own helpful advice from their experiences traveling or confronting similar problems.
  4. Do something that helps to calm you down: talk to someone, meditate, listen to music, etc. to help reset your mind. Focus on the fun you are going to have.

My Anxiety List:

Something Happens to me while I’m Traveling

Starting at the scariest one here. But anytime I leave my home and comfort zone for a trip I always worry about this as a possibility. But let’s face it, every single day this is a possibility and it’s scary. A few things I feel that comfort me here are (1) I’m not doing anything wrong, I’m living my life and doing something I’m excited about and looking forward to and (2) nobody in the entire world has control over this, finally (3) I pray and trust in God to protect me. On the worst case of getting hurt – travel health insurance gives me relief as well. I use GEO Blue, but there are many other options out there.

I Miss my Flight

Fortunately, I have never missed a flight before, however, I’ve made my fair share of airport mistakes and close-calls. My belief is that things tend to work out and I’ll either book a new flight or stay in the city and adjust my plans accordingly. The true risk here is loss of time and/or money, but it’s also my attitude on this issue. Also – depending on why you missed the plane, a.k.a delayed connection – the airline may owe you a night in a hotel, reimbursement, etc.

I have an Issue with my Hotel Reservation or the Room

At the end of the day – there are so many hotels in every major city of the world. If I have a problem at my hotel I can check-out or if they don’t have my reservation I can absolutely find another hotel somewhere in the city. The hotel staff may even help you call or find options. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered rude staff at hotels, so rely on them to help you out and get the issues sorted.

The Vacation is Disappointing or Doesn’t Meet my Expectations

We’ve all been there – we amp up an experience or destination and when we finally arrive it’s not what we expected. After traveling all around the world I’ve had the best times where I’ve had lower expectations. The less I imagine how a place will be the more gaps I have to fill with reality rather than imagination. It gives me an open mindset and attitude to accept the place for what it is.

I think it helps traveling with friends or family with a similar mindset – it’s tough to be around negativity. But ultimately it’s attitude. However, if it’s a safety issue I can always find a nearby city to explore and book a hotel there instead. Doing research ahead of time, especially finding real-life experiences and Instagram vs. reality; such as my Reality of the Amalfi Coast post, help set more realistic expectations as well. Sometimes – attitude isn’t enough and I just cannot wait to leave – once I return home and reflect on the trip I’ve found I still had some great memories – for instance, a delicious meal or funny memory. So don’t sweat it, try to enjoy your time as best you can.

Don’t let Anxiety Steal your Joy

Overall – anxiety is a huge thief of joy. Whether it’s fear, feeling overwhelmed, or general nervousness – know that you are absolutely not alone. Despite all the years of travel I have under my belt, my stomach still sinks at the beginning of a trip and I often procrastinate planning because it’s so overwhelming. What should I do? Am I missing out? Is it worth the money? Am I wasting my time here?

The crippling doubt can be endless. But I promise you, there is light at the end of the tunnel! I look back on my trips and my experiences and I can truly say they’ve added so much to my life. In fact, once I arrive I feel the anxiety melt away after such a strong build-up. I think I’ll always feel discomfort, but I find any time I challenge myself there is discomfort but also major reward. I hope you find peace and enjoy your trip, so take a breath and think of the fun that is to come! 🙂

Let me know some of the things you do to cope with anxiety before or during your trips!

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