Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Australia Oceania

Cairns vs. Port Douglas: Reef, Rainforest, and Relaxation – Choosing Your Tropical Base

While researching my trip I was torn between Cairns vs. Port Douglas when choosing my base to explore the region. In my opinion, neither Cairns nor Port Douglas are thrilling destinations outside of the reef and rainforest, so it ultimately comes down to price and convenience. They are both very small towns. So I would …

Australia Oceania

Kuranda: Rainforest Village or Tourist Trap – Is it worth it?

Is Kuranda worth it? Short answer: no. The journey there offers beautiful views but the village itself has little activities to enjoy. Why isn’t Kuranda Worth the Trip? Before I went I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy Kuranda or not. Online a lot of people enjoyed it, so I decided to go. Honestly, I was …